The task closest to our hearts is enabling our patients requiring intensive care to lead lives that they largely determine themselves despite their severe illness. Be it in their own homes, in a classic 1-on-1 care setting, in one of our outpatient intensive-care flat shares, or as inpatients: We as the opseo Group are able to provide highest-level intensive care throughout Germany.

We are your partner when it comes to outpatient intensive care

Our core focus is on meeting patients’ personal needs and integrating relatives into the care process. Our staff are superbly trained in providing respiratory care and are on hand to provide support and advice round the clock.

Please feel free to contact our expert managerial team with any questions you may have regarding outpatient intensive care. Simply get in contact with us!


Our breathing-therapy and care-management staff pay particular attention to the potential each patient has to be weaned off a respirator: We work closely with certified weaning centers and act as their partners in the process. If potential for weaning is identified, then we can provide support for prolonged weaning in the form of our nationwide inpatient REMEO® facilities.
So should you and we spot an opportunity for you to be able to live without intensive care, a tracheostoma or a respirator, then we immediately assist you down the road to weaning.

Any questions on outpatient or inpatient intensive care for adults? Or about our nationwide intensive-care services and the various forms of care support we offer? Simply contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.