Founded in 2013 and based in Kelsterbach, Germany, the opseo Group brings together medium-sized care companies throughout Germany to form a care group that is specialized in outpatient intensive care. The subsidiaries are currently supporting 1,400 intensive-care patients nationwide – of all ages, at home, in flat shares that receive outpatient support, and on intensive-care wards. In almost all the 16 German states, the 5,000-plus staff members provide patients with the ultimate in care and thus form an excellent basis for the cross-sector system of holistic intensive care.

The Group is subdivided into four regions: North, South, East, and West. Each has its own management so that staff members and patients alike can turn to a reliable local manager.

In the form of the Bear Family, in 2019 a special brand was established covering intensive care for children, in this way promoting expertise and strengths in this field of activity.

All the companies together constitute the opseo Circle, as it is called – our idea for providing a complete range of care services for outpatients in need of intensive care.

opseo Mission

Die opseo Gruppe liefert einen wichtigen sozialen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft, indem sie Menschen mit Pflegebedarf durch spezialisierte Dienstleistungen und umfassende Betreuung unterstützt. Durch ihr Engagement trägt die opseo Gruppe zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität der Betroffenen bei und fördert deren Integration und Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen Leben.

opseo bietet Pflegekräften einen medizinisch und pflegerisch anspruchsvollen sowie vielseitigen Arbeitsplatz zu attraktiven Konditionen und entlastet nicht nur Krankenhäuser, sondern das gesamte Gesundheitssystem durch eine hochqualifizierte und zugleich kosteneffiziente Versorgung.

Dabei legt die Gruppe großen Wert auf kontinuierliche Weiterbildung und fachliche Unterstützung, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Pflegekräfte stets auf dem neuesten Stand der medizinischen Praxis sind und eine optimale Betreuung gewährleisten können.

opseo management circle

The opseo Group management circle is made up of the management of opseo Holding B.V., the directors of the central functions at opseo Servicegesellschaft mbH, and the local directors of the operations and commercial clusters.

In this classic matrix organization, each cluster is responsible for its business. The central functions of opseo Servicegesellschaft mbH ensure uniform and efficient high-quality processes throughout the opseo group.

The close cooperation and open-minded approach, based on viewing everyone as equals, ensure corporate actions are swift and highly flexible to account for changing overall conditions, and the entire management team assumes responsibility.